The Accreditation Board Management System Certification (ABMSC) or ABMSC Certification is a non-governmental organization and Independent Accreditation with Register Company Number 13908727 that provides accreditation services and training to public- and private-sector organisations, serving the global marketplace. ABMSC is the accreditation body in London and provides services in more than 75 countries. Our business depends on focusing on customers so all users will continue to value our service and have confidence in the ABMSC accreditation symbol.
Managements system
A management system is the way in which an organization manages the interrelated parts of its business in order to achieve its objectives. These objectives can relate to a number of different topics, including product or service quality, operational efficiency, environmental performance, health and safety in the workplace and many more.
Our Approach
Using our practical, proven approach, we guarantee ISO certification. No matter where you are, our team will develop a Management System that supports your business goals and captures your best practices, so you can reduce costs, improve efficiencies, and increase customer satisfaction and profitability. But we make sure we keep it simple.
Advantage Results
- Getting customer satisfaction
- Increasing customer confidence.
- Increasing market share
- Increasing financial performance.
- Achieving project success.
- improving the business process.
- Consistency in project activities.
- Increasing production.
- Reducing the amount of rework.
- Making evidence-based decisions.
- Employee engagement.
Our Services
Inspection Bodies
Certification Bodies For Management System
Certification Bodies for Person
Certification Bodies for Product
Business Solution
Certification Training and Consulting
About The ABMSC Register
The ABMSC Register is used by a wide range of people and organisations, including those: assessing tenders conducting public procurement checking credentials throughout the market supply chain confirming if an organisation, product or person has been certified or inspected by a ABMSC accredited body. We also use the register as a tool to better understand trends in the world of certification and we publish reports for certifiers and inspectors to keep them up-to-date.
Certificate CheckWe are on top
<p>Certification of a management system is critical to the success of a business. As a certification body, ABMSC works with companies to assure the performance of their business, systems, people and supply chains through management systems certification, verification, assessment and training. Our global network of auditors play an important role in helping you obtain the necessary certifications to get your product or service to market, giving you and your customers the confidence you need.</p>
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